This first view looks down the garden. You will notice that the entire property slopes in two directions, which can be challenging – especially with photos!
Move in closer and you will see the lilac bush flowering beautifully this year. This bush has a mind of its own, is oddly shaped and needs support, but in May its blooms make up for everything.
'In a garden green and gay
All my troubles fade away
Sweet contentment here I find
Joy of heart and peace of mind.' - Patience Strong
Turning round now, the 'first round bed' contains our Japanese dwarf cherry - not so very dwarf five years since we planted it. In this bed I put Sweet Williams - also from my mother, in gorgeous shades of dark red and pink, together with the more unusual thistle-like Cirsium 'Atropurpureum' all of which are doing well. Later in the year the pink Penstemon will try to take over, but I pruned it quite hard and I hope it will be less of a thug this year!
This ends our first walk round, saving a few areas to show you in a subsequent post and as time goes on. I will leave you with a close-up of those lovely stems of London Pride, with a Forget-Me-Not encroaching on their space! I hope you have enjoyed a restful interlude with me in the garden, and I look forward to your company again soon. Keep safe and well.